Niche webshop selling chargers and mobile accesories for iPhone, iPad & iPod. Have had more than 50.000 orders from Scandinavian customers. iPhoneopladere.dk is also the first webshop launched of NORTHERN eCommerce in 2013
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What was once the sister webshop to iPhoneopladere.dk, selling chargers and accesories for Mac & Macbook, since 2017, has now partnered up with multiple affiliate partners and are guiding visitors upon choosing the best charger for their model of Mac/Macbook
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One of the newer eCommerce additions is Festivalteltet.dk
The webshop is selling tents and festival equipment in Denmark. With more than 2000 customers in the first season, it resulted in being totally sold out.
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Informative affiliate site, guiding entrepeneurs in creating the legal documents for starting a compnany. Also contains a badge arrangement for websites, that want’s to show, that their website is owned and run by a Danish cooperation.
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Informative affiliate site, guiding visitors on choosing the right Powerbank. Has more than 10 different test, with a wordcount of over 27.000
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Informative affiliate site, guiding visitors on finding the best charger for their device. The site includes in depth tests of all the top devices, such as smartphones, tablets and pc’s.
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A site for every passionate festival visitor, with the latets news about festivals, music, outdoor equipment & gear. The site also contains in depth guides for the first time visitor, such as packaging lists, equipment lists and many other.
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The third and newest addition to the family of NORTHERN eCommerce webshops.
Bedstepowerbank is a niche concept, only carrying the best powerbanks from the top tier brands. Also includes our own brand of Power stones, DANISH Power
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As eCommerce distributors, we decided to launch out own packaging sender for other eCommerce ventures. Through sharing the volume of packages on the same shipping agreements, with our own stores and clients, we can offer competetive prices & endelss shipping expertise
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Price comparison service for shampoo and related products. Compares both shampoos by type, but also among more than 100 different brands. Prices are updated in realtime.
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Magasin med artikler om sundhed, skabt i samarbejde med eksperter inden for forskellige sundhedsrelaterede fagområder.
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The eCommerce experts, founding NORTHERN eCommerce

Rasmus Kampmann
Co-founder & CEO
Passionate eCommerce expert, co-founding NORTHERN eCommerce. An expert in creating high converstion rates, through flawless checkout flows. Perfectionist at creating high demanding traffic through search engine optimization.
Content & CopywritingProjects

Alexander Møller
Senior Search Specialist
An expert of search & behavior in a digital environment. Believes in utilizing content creation & storytelling to boost site rankings and communicates in data to please the advanced search algorithsm
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